Anakin Skywalker
"Infomational quote that someone said about this character that gives us an idea about them."
-Name of whoever said it
Son of Shmi Skywalker and an unknown father. He was moved to the Outer Rim world of Tatooine as a small child, where he and his mother were slaves to a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto. An engineering prodigy, Anakin built the droid C-3PO to help Shmi. Soon after, Skywalker was discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who freed Anakin from slavery via a wager on the youth's podracing skills, and brought the boy into their community; hailing Skywalker as the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, destined to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force. His mother stayed behind and remarried, giving birth to another son named Owen.
Jedi Training & Falling In Love:
In the years leading up to the devastating, galaxy-wide conflict known as the Clone Wars, Skywalker was apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Following the events of the Battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the Clone War, Skywalker secretly married his childhood love, Senator Padmé Amidala. As the war progressed, Skywalker saw very little of Amidala, prizing the moments the two were able to share with one another. Early in the course of the war, the Jedi High Council assigned Skywalker a Padawan of his own, Ahsoka Tano; a gifted student who, much to Skywalker's chagrin, eventually left the Order.
Becoming Darth Vader:
Secret Apprentices:
Almost two decades after his turn to the dark side, the various rebel groups who opposed the Empire's tyranny had united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and destroyed the Death Star, the superweapon meant to cement the Emperor's rule over the galaxy. As the sole survivor of the Empire's greatest defeat, Vader was blamed and found himself pitted against several potential replacements vying to become the Emperor's new apprentice. In bitter retaliation, he began to train a few secret apprentices of his own that he hoped would help him exact revenge against The Emperor; the last of which was a young girl named Terryn Brightstar. To avoid suspicion, he led everyone to believe she was a secretary. Soon, Terryn began to see Vader as a father-like figure. This awakened the memory of his own child who he never got to meet and a feeling of crushing agony that caused Vader to pull away from his apprentice, and eventually turn against her when she joined The Rebellion.
Future In-Laws:
Among the Force-sensitives Vader trained to be Inquisitorius were a pair of Force-sensitive children; Maja and X. They had been the only two survivors of a DNA combining experiment Sidious preformed in hopes of increasing their power in the dark force. Due to this, Maja and X were referred to as The Prince and Princess of the Empire. Vader had little contact with these two outside of basic training, though he sensed in Maja an unexplainable light and hope that could not be conquered despite of harsh abuse-- Little did he know that a meeting with his own son, once long ago, was the cause of this. His master also sensed this and soon gave orders for Vader to secretly exterminate the young girl. To protect her, Maja's robotic nursemaid sent the child to the Rebellion, along with Vader's own apprentice; knowing his attachment to her would make him reluctant to hunt them down. Sure enough, Vader was more than content to leave hunting Maja to the Inquisitors. ...He never once suspected she would become his daughter-in-law..
Discovering The Truth:
In the meantime, he uncovered that the Force-sensitive pilot who destroyed the Death Star was his son, Luke, whom Amidala had given birth to and Obi-Wan had hidden on the one planet he would never return to, Tatooine.
Redemption & Death:
Skills & Abilities:
-Name of whoever said it
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Physical description:
Status: Married
Force-Sensitive: Yes
Alliance: Good - (previously evil)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Age: 45 - (deceased)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown - (later bald)
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Fair - (later pale)
Masters: Qui-Gon Jinn - (briefly) Obi-Wan Kenobi - (as Jedi) Darth Sidious - ( as Sith) Apprentices: Ahsoka Tano - (as Jedi) Terryn Brightstar - (as Sith) Inquisitorius |
Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight, and later the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
Biography:Son of Shmi Skywalker and an unknown father. He was moved to the Outer Rim world of Tatooine as a small child, where he and his mother were slaves to a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto. An engineering prodigy, Anakin built the droid C-3PO to help Shmi. Soon after, Skywalker was discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who freed Anakin from slavery via a wager on the youth's podracing skills, and brought the boy into their community; hailing Skywalker as the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, destined to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force. His mother stayed behind and remarried, giving birth to another son named Owen.
Jedi Training & Falling In Love:
In the years leading up to the devastating, galaxy-wide conflict known as the Clone Wars, Skywalker was apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Following the events of the Battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the Clone War, Skywalker secretly married his childhood love, Senator Padmé Amidala. As the war progressed, Skywalker saw very little of Amidala, prizing the moments the two were able to share with one another. Early in the course of the war, the Jedi High Council assigned Skywalker a Padawan of his own, Ahsoka Tano; a gifted student who, much to Skywalker's chagrin, eventually left the Order.
Becoming Darth Vader:
Towards the end of the war, Skywalker was blessed with the news of pending fatherhood, when Amidala announced she was carrying their first child. But this joy turned to an overwhelming sorrow, as Skywalker became plagued with visions of his wife's demise. Consumed with the desire to thwart this future by any means he could, Anakin unknowingly left himself vulnerable to the poison deception of his confidant and supposed friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious). Palpatine tricked Skywalker into betraying the Jedi by attacking Padmae and blaming her supposedly successful murder on The Jedi Council, saying they had killed her, after discovering she and Anakin were married, as a way of restoring order since "Jedi are not allowed to love". Fueled by a sense of betrayl and desire for revenge, Anakin betrayed the Jedi. Palpatine himself destroyed the entire Jedi Order, including younglings and padawans, then shortly thereafter ended the war and declared himself Galactic Emperor. Anakin became burdened by his own sins and consumed in grief and self-hatred for what he had allowed to happen.
Anakin's otherwise indomitable spirit had finally been crushed by heartbreak and guilt, thus he conceded to The Emperor and became Sith Lord Darth Vader. On Mustafar, Darth Vader turned against Kenobi, in a desprate effort to blame him instead of accepting responsibility for what had happened. Ultimately, Kenobi emerged the victor, and Anakin was left limbless and burnt on the banks of a volcanic river. Forced to live in a life-supporting armored suit afterwards, he continued to serve Sidious as his apprentice and chief enforcer-- Though secretly he hated The Emporer, he hated himself even more. He thought himself too far gone for forgiveness and thus finding no reason to try and struggle back to the light, he continued on the dark path, putting down rebellions with his master and Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. He also trained the Inquisitorius to hunt down any remaining Jedi and retrieve any newborn Force-sensitives per his master's will.
Secret Apprentices:
Almost two decades after his turn to the dark side, the various rebel groups who opposed the Empire's tyranny had united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and destroyed the Death Star, the superweapon meant to cement the Emperor's rule over the galaxy. As the sole survivor of the Empire's greatest defeat, Vader was blamed and found himself pitted against several potential replacements vying to become the Emperor's new apprentice. In bitter retaliation, he began to train a few secret apprentices of his own that he hoped would help him exact revenge against The Emperor; the last of which was a young girl named Terryn Brightstar. To avoid suspicion, he led everyone to believe she was a secretary. Soon, Terryn began to see Vader as a father-like figure. This awakened the memory of his own child who he never got to meet and a feeling of crushing agony that caused Vader to pull away from his apprentice, and eventually turn against her when she joined The Rebellion.
Future In-Laws:
Among the Force-sensitives Vader trained to be Inquisitorius were a pair of Force-sensitive children; Maja and X. They had been the only two survivors of a DNA combining experiment Sidious preformed in hopes of increasing their power in the dark force. Due to this, Maja and X were referred to as The Prince and Princess of the Empire. Vader had little contact with these two outside of basic training, though he sensed in Maja an unexplainable light and hope that could not be conquered despite of harsh abuse-- Little did he know that a meeting with his own son, once long ago, was the cause of this. His master also sensed this and soon gave orders for Vader to secretly exterminate the young girl. To protect her, Maja's robotic nursemaid sent the child to the Rebellion, along with Vader's own apprentice; knowing his attachment to her would make him reluctant to hunt them down. Sure enough, Vader was more than content to leave hunting Maja to the Inquisitors. ...He never once suspected she would become his daughter-in-law..
Discovering The Truth:
In the meantime, he uncovered that the Force-sensitive pilot who destroyed the Death Star was his son, Luke, whom Amidala had given birth to and Obi-Wan had hidden on the one planet he would never return to, Tatooine.
Redemption & Death:
Now aware the Emperor lied to him, Vader drew out Luke, attempting to sway him into joining him and overthrowing his master: Luke refused, and Vader found things dramatically reversed as he was drawn to the boy instead. As the Battle of Endor unfolded, Vader fought Luke Skywalker in a final duel on the Death Star II. His son was now a Jedi Knight set on turning him to the light side. During this duel, Vader also discovered he had a daughter, Leia Organa! Luke Skywalker defeated his father but refused to kill him, and when Sidious attempted to kill the young man instead, Vader finally found the strength to abandon the dark side and sacrificed himself to destroy the Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One. Mortally wounded, Anakin made peace with his son, but regretfully could find nothing to say to his daughter who he had mistreated. Shortly thereafter, he died and was ceremoniously burned on Endor in front of Luke and his ex-apprentice, Terryn.
Though Anakin is now one with the Force, along with Obi-Wan and Yoda, he occasionally visits his son and grandchildren in force visions; to help them and advise them when they are facing difficult situations that would otherwise leave them open to the dark side. In this way, he aids them against succumbing the same way he did.
Personality & Traits:
Family Tree:
Shmi Skywalker - Mother
Cliegg Lars - Step-Father
Owen Lars - Half-Brother
Padmae Amidala - Wife
Luke Skywalker - Son
Maja - Daughter-In-Law
Leia Organa - Daughter
Han Solo - Son-In-Law
Kim Solo - Granddaughter
Bail Solo - Grandson
Annestasia Raven - Granddaughter
Benjinnmin Skywalker - Grandson
Amidala Skywalker - Granddaughter
Aerin Skywalker - Grandson
Tali Raven - Great-Granddaughter
Tahu Raven - Great-Grandson
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