Kim Solo

"Typical Kim; smooth as cream, even when she's working against you."
-Anne Skywalker

Physical description:
Homeworld: Where?
 Age: 00
Species: ??
Gender: Fe/Male
Hair color: Roy. G. Biv
Eye color: Roy. G. Biv
Skin color: Roy. G. Biv
Kim Solo, or simply Kim, is/was a [gender, race] who [occupation] and give a little information about them.
She kept her maiden name even after marrying Leon.

History of the character

Personality & Traits:
"I'm not scared of Leon.. It's Kim I'm scared of."
-Zango Fett


Skills & Abilities:
"Are you sure you can do this, Kim?"
"Please. If I had been born back then, I could have hacked Project Stardust from home."
-Master Aaren and Kim Solo discuss her incredible hacking skills.

